Trần Thị Thùy Trang

University of London, Anh Quốc

Home can be described in many various ways- for many, it’s something that comforts, protects, or brings happiness to people. Tran Thi Thuy Trang (pictured above), known as Trang, a Vietnamese student at SIM-University of London (UOL) in BSc (Hon) Creative Computing, places the Vietnamese Community (VNC) at SIM close to her heart and calls it her second home.

The First Difficult Step

“During my time living in Singapore, one of the things that was difficult for me was having to deal with missing my family. To overcome this, I tried to make many new friends through VNC. It has now become my second home in Singapore in which every member of VNC has become like a family member. I also joined Student Representatives in SIM to meet and make friends with international students.”

More Than A Club

“VNC means lots of things to me. When joining their activities, I feel very proud to be a part of the club. We organised a lot of large-scale events and enabled many Vietnamese students in Singapore to shine with their talents.”

“I joined the Executive Committee (EXCO) in the club as I wanted to make VNC become the second home of each member. VNC didn’t feel like a CCA anymore, rather it was something my juniors looked forward to with happiness and it also helped them to overcome the difficulties that they were facing in Singapore.”

“In VNC, the people I met have become very close to me and they spur me on to be a better person. Even the juniors give me more motivation to keep working and developing VNC.”

Improving Myself For A Better Future

“SIM GE is one of the best private institutions in Singapore with a good reputation for offering high-quality courses.”

“The UOL programme has given me a strong base of IT knowledge and the ability to quickly learn and perceive new IT skills in the future. I have also learned the ability to pick new knowledge up fast. My teamwork experiences in SIM GE have also helped me to collaborate well and this will be an advantage for me in my future career.”

(Source: Sim Global Education)

“BSc (Hon) Creative Computing - University of London, Anh Quốc”

- Trần Thị Thùy Trang


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