UK97 MA Education (Technology Enhanced Learning) University of Huddersfield
In this course you’ll have the opportunity to focus on the use of technology in your particular field, develop technical skills, including blogs, wikis and other social media tools, to deepen your understanding of frameworks and how technology can enhance and support learning. While there are a wide range of technological tools you may be able to use in your teaching, the course will encourage you to think critically about effective they are in supporting learning. A strong interest in developing teaching using information and communication technology is key - being an IT expert is not.
Why Education (Technology Enhanced Learning)?
This MA course provides you with a broad range of module options allowing you the opportunity to tailor the programme to suit your current role and/or future career ambitions. Successful study at this level supports you in your current role, helps give you the confidence to tackle a wide range of workplace challenges and supports you in taking advantage of wider promotional and developmental opportunities.
The course offers a recognised qualification, a broadening of horizons and a chance to pursue particular areas of interest.
*Percentage of our postgraduate students who go on to work and/or further study within six months of graduating (Destination of Leavers from Higher Education Survey 2016/17).
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