UK80 PGCE Secondary Religious Education with QTS Manchester Metropolitan University
You’ll explore all aspects of religious education (RE) including different faiths, philosophy and ethics. It is a requirement that all schools teach RE however this can vary widely between schools.
You’ll explore different curriculum models and how to approach the wide variety of topics with a range of learners. During sessions, you’ll explore a range of faiths and often make use of peer teaching where everyone can share their own knowledge and experiences.
Throughout the course, you’ll develop your subject knowledge and consider how to approach teaching topics in the classroom. In addition to specific religions, you’ll consider broader issues such as human rights and peace and conflict.
Approaching these in a classroom is a potential challenge so you’ll explore pedagogic approaches such as debating or philosophy for children. You’ll also look at cognitive theories and how you can support your pupils to develop examination techniques to be able to write about complex issues as part of assessments.
The University is well placed for you to explore religious education in its broadest sense. There are opportunities to visit a variety of local places of worship and speak to members of the local multi-faith community. You’ll also consider how you can arrange such visits for your own classes to allow the curriculum to come alive. We also have guest speakers from educational organisations including exam boards.
Most of our graduates go on to work as art and design teachers in secondary schools.
The PGCE programme provides you with 60 masters' level credits when you graduate. You could put these towards a masters degree to help you develop your career in the field of education including our new MTeach masters specifically designed for Early Career Teachers (ECTs).
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