AU35 Master of Science (Science) (Computer Science) Curtin University
Computer science is fundamentally about applying computing theory to information processes.
Computer network professionals research, analyse and recommend strategies for networking architecture and development. They implement, manage, maintain and configure network hardware and software; monitor and optimise performance; troubleshoot and provide user support.
They are responsible not only for finding ways to do things faster and with a better user experience, but also for ensuring information is protected for both privacy and security reasons.
This course will extend your prior knowledge and experience of computing, and prepare you for research, teaching and further graduate studies.
In addition to learning about the fundamentals of computer architecture and organising, storing and retrieving data, you will learn how to identify software security problems in specialised client systems and to design countermeasures based on client requirements and priorities.
You will develop expertise in formal languages, the mathematical foundation of computability, and formal logic of systemic complexity. This may enhance your career prospects in a range of industry sectors, business and management.
This major sits within the Master of Science (Science) degree. To apply for this major, you will apply for the Master of Science (Science).
Why study
This course is two years full-time for applicants with a bachelor degree in science or one year full-time for applicants with honours or a postgraduate diploma.
Tóm tắt
Phí ghi danh
Độ dài khoá học
2 năm
Kỳ nhập học
Tháng 2
Tháng 7