AU31 Diploma of Film and Video Torrens University Australia (Melbourne campus)
The Diploma of Film and Video provides you with a base of knowledge and skills in screen-based video production and post-production. You will develop basic skills in cinematography, lighting, editing, colour grading and sound design. Additionally, you will develop an understanding of and practical skills motion design, photography and all the leading software used in the industry. The course consists of shared subjects with cross-discipline diplomas and bachelors providing both on-boarding support, exposure to bachelor programs for pathway opportunities as well as a genuine exit qualification if you wish to enter directly into the field upon graduation.
Australia Year 12 or equivalent
Tóm tắt
Phí ghi danh
Độ dài khoá học
1.5 năm
Kỳ nhập học
Tháng 2
Tháng 5
Tháng 9
Tháng 11