AU12 Master of Laws (Research) University of New England
The University of New England is committed to maintaining its strong research culture, underpinned by high research training standards. The Master of Laws (Research) Rules provide the framework for one of the University's AQF Level 9 awards. They provide the rigorous processes that are essential for the maintenance of academic quality and integrity in the University's operations, and that reflect the University's values of providing a formative, respectful, inclusive, flexible and innovative environment for the delivery of high quality research training for its candidates.
1. Admission to candidature in the degree of Master of Laws (Research) may be provided by the Committee only when the Head of School has:
(a) certified that the necessary facilities and appropriate support for the applicant undertaking the proposed LLM program are available; and
(b) nominated an appropriate Principal Supervisor and co-supervisor(s) in accordance with Rule 4.
2. The Committee may, on the recommendation of the relevant Head of School, admit to candidature into the course for the degree of Master of Laws (Research) an applicant who:
(a) hold a degree of Bachelor with at least second class honours (AQF Level 8) or (AQF Level 9 Masters or AQF Level 10, in Law); or
(b) hold a degree at AQF Level 7 or AQF Level 9 Masters in law leading to admission to legal practice and the equivalent of at least two years full-time, documented, relevant professional experience.
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