AU7 Master of Business Law University of Sydney
This specialist qualification in business law and regulation offers you an opportunity to choose from the entire range of units of study offered through Sydney Law School's commercial law, corporate, securities and finance law, international business law, international taxation and taxation programs.
This degree reflects the growing importance of legal literacy and business law expertise among non-lawyers working in business, finance, commercial and corporate environments. It also provides a master's-level qualification that builds on the completion of professional accountancy qualifications.
You can choose from up to 70 units of study in any given year one of the largest choices of any master's by coursework program at Sydney Law School.
The Master of Business Law (MBL) is designed for business professional and graduates who require specialist legal knowledge without the need to practise law. The MBL reflects the growing importance of legal literacy and business law expertise among non-lawyers working in business, finance, commercial and corporate environments.
As part of Professional Plus+, Sydney Law School offers Professional Development seminars, courses and units of study in a range of subjects and modes, including intensive programs, seminar series and individual evening presentations. Seminars, courses and postgraduate units of study are available to anyone with an interest in the area of study.
Continuing Legal Education is a requirement of the Law Society of New South Wales. Practising solicitors are required to obtain 10 units of MCLE annually in order to maintain registration as a legal practitioner. Continuing Professional Development is also a requirement of the New South Wales Bar Association. Barristers are required to accrue 10 points each practising certificate year. Seminars, courses and units of study offered under Sydney Law School's LPD Program meet the necessary requirements of both the Law Society of New South Wales and the New South Wales Bar Association in relation to their individual members. Sydney Law School's taxation units also meets the training and development requirements of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia (ICCA).
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