AU7 Bachelor of Education (Primary) University of Sydney
#20 in the world
Ranked 20th in the world for education by the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2020.
Our research institutes
Study in acclaimed research institutes including the Australian Institute for Nanoscale Science and Technology and the Charles Perkins Centre.
Inspire our next generation in this professional qualification to teach in a primary school with children aged five to 12 years.
Gain extensive work-based placements (totalling 560 hours) at schools throughout this four-year program, with school placements commencing in your first year. These begin with observing and interacting with small groups of primary school students, and later expand to include patterns of classroom interaction, teacher-developed curriculum materials and whole-school activities. When you undertake professional experience in fourth year, you will be fully competent to teach without close supervision.
This degree covers all the key learning areas (primary subject areas), with special attention to the mandatory areas of Aboriginal education, teaching English to speakers of other languages (TESOL) and special education.
Throughout your studies you will take generalist units of study in education and professional studies, along with units in the sciences, social sciences and humanities, offered by the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, the Faculty of Science, and the University of Sydney Business School.
Students who demonstrate high achievement in mathematics through secondary school or the first-year mathematics content may also elect to undertake a specialisation study pathway in mathematics.
Our graduates can be found in a broad range of careers and roles, including:
The Bachelor of Education (Primary) provides national and international primary school teaching recognition.
Sydney undergraduate Education courses are accredited by the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA)
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