AU14 Doctor of Philosophy (Translation Studies) Monash University


    Monash Arts is internationally recognised for producing innovative, engaging and high quality research, and Monash University is currently a national leader in the field of interpreting and translation. We are the first and only Australian university to gain a full membership of CIUTI (Conférence Internationale d’Instituts Universitaires de Traducteurs et Interprètes), limited to institutions that meet internationally recognised standards. We are also one of the only courses in Australia endorsed at the Professional Interpreter, Professional Translator and Conference Interpreter levels by the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI). Our department enjoys an international reputation with scholars actively involved in the national and international translation and interpreting studies scene.

    Supported and guided by at least two expert supervisors, our practice-based PhD program in Translation Studies will give you the practical experience and opportunity to develop your expertise as a researcher and the professional tools needed to undertake translation work for professional purposes.

    This PhD program has three components: extensive research, creating a body of translated work, and a critical commentary of the translated pieces. You will also undertake professional development, designed to help you become a more effective researcher, and develop general professional skills valuable to prospective employers in academia, industry, government and the broader community. During the program you will be encouraged to publish your work-in-progress and/or to seek publishers for it.


    The minimum qualifications for admission to PhD enrolment are:

    • a bachelor's degree requiring at least four years of full-time study in a relevant field, and which normally includes a research component in the fourth year, leading to an  honours 1 or 2A in a relevant field;
    • a course leading to a level rated by the relevant department, faculty and committee as equivalent to an honours 1 or 2A in a relevant field;
    • a master's degree that entails work, normally including a significant research component, including at least 25% of one full time equivalent  year of work, including a thesis. It is normally expected that a grade of honours 2A has been obtained for the research thesis or project. Where ungraded, examiners' reports will be taken into account; or
    • have qualifications which in the opinion of GRC are deemed equivalent.



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