AU14 Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) Monash University


    Monash Engineering operates at the forefront of engineering research. All specialised fields of research are at world standard or above and the most recent Excellence in Research for Australia assessment has rated our research results well above world standard.  With access to world-class laboratories, workshops and facilities and with highly specialised equipment and software, a PhD in Engineering offers you a stimulating, supportive and professional environment in which to explore engineering challenges and develop solutions for the future...

    A PhD in Engineering takes the form of the Monash Doctoral Program – a PhD for the 21st century. The program consists of extensive, independent research of a topic formulated in consultation with academic staff. A minimum two academic supervisors will support you throughout your study. As part of the program you will also complete a series of professional development activities or coursework units that provide you with the skills required to make an impact in academia, industry, government or the wider community. Your study will result in a research thesis or alternative approved output, which makes a valuable contribution to the current body of knowledge on your chosen topic.

    The PhD program may be undertaken in the principal areas of research, including:

    • Chemical engineering
    • Civil engineering
    • Electrical and computer systems engineering
    • Materials engineering
    • Mechanical engineering
    • Aerospace engineering
    • Biological engineering

    The minimum qualifications for admission to PhD enrolment are:

    • a bachelor's degree requiring at least four years of full-time study in a relevant field, and which normally includes a research component in the fourth year, leading to an  honours 1 or 2A in a relevant field;
    • a course leading to a level rated by the relevant department, faculty and committee as equivalent to an honours 1 or 2A in a relevant field;
    • a master's degree that entails work, normally including a significant research component, including at least 25% of one full time equivalent  year of work, including a thesis. It is normally expected that a grade of honours 2A has been obtained for the research thesis or project. Where ungraded, examiners' reports will be taken into account; or
    • have qualifications which in the opinion of GRC are deemed equivalent

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