AU14 Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical & Computer Systems Engineering) (Honours) Monash University
Engineers have forged some of the greatest developments in modern society. Clean water, advances in medical equipment and the increased quality of food supplies are all a result of engineering. Engineers improve life for everyone on our planet.
Monash University is a global leader in engineering, attracting outstanding academics and featuring world-best research facilities. You'll use these facilities while completing your studies, working with our academics to contribute to the latest breakthroughs in engineering research.
On graduation, you will be highly sought-after across many industries, known for your creative thinking, problem solving and ability to excel in team-based environments.
Electrical and computer systems engineering
Your qualification will be a Bachelor of Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering (Honours)
Electrical and computer systems engineering is a field that evolves rapidly, with new technologies and techniques being patented every day. It spans all scales of electrical and electronic engineering, from the fundamentals of circuits, electronic signals and signal processing, through to digital electronics and chip-based systems, to the design of large-scale power and telecommunication systems.
Electrical and computer systems engineering encompasses biomedical, computer systems, electronics, electrical power engineering, robotics and telecommunications.
You might design products such as smart phones, virtual reality systems or video games, or maybe robotic medical devices to assist in surgery and rehabilitation
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