AU11 Master of Infectious Diseases Intelligence (Extension) University of New South Wales
The Master of Infectious Diseases Intelligence (MIDI) prepares graduates for a career in health emergencies, outbreaks, infectious diseases risk assessment and emergency response related to infectious diseases and other threats. You will gain advanced disciplinary knowledge and skills needed for professional practice in control of infectious diseases and emergencies across a range of contexts including ministries and departments of health, government organisations, non-government and voluntary organisations, and primary care and community healthcare services in both public and private sectors. The degree fosters judgment-ready practitioners who can contribute to improving population health outcomes specific to infectious diseases in diverse settings.
Tóm tắt
Phí ghi danh
Độ dài khoá học
1.7 năm
Kỳ nhập học
Tháng 2
Tháng 7
Tháng 9